Short | 15 minutes | 2005
Producer / Writer / Director"
Hilda Hashempour
Giacomo Grisanzio
Sofia Bohdanowicz
Story of a girl whose mother is diagnosed with breast cancer.
Winner, Best Documentary - Toronto Film School Festival of Film
Honorable Mention, Rochester International Film Festival
Writer/Director: Michael Snow
Hilda Hashempour, Ramin Eshraghi-Yazdi, Mac Ebrahim,
Producer: The Film Farm
Funder: Bravo!FACT/CCA
Playing painterly form with and against story-telling form, this Short Story is a loop that depicts a loop and is itself looped.
Premiered at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival.
Feature | 120 minutes | 2001
Hilda Hashempour
Elham Charkhande
Feature | 90 min | 2002
Producer / Director:
Masood Abparvar
Hilda Hashempour
Poopak Raad
Nominee for Best Original Screenplay, National Iranian Film and TV Awards 2002